Monday, December 1, 2008

Seeing Red

25 million people have died of AIDs worldwide since 1981.
Ireland and Australia combined still come up and little shy of reaching this number. Can you imagine if there were no more Ireland? No Guiness, no politically incorrect Irish jokes, no Emerald Isle. What about Australia? No more down under to make puns about, no more attractive actors and actresses with beautiful accents, no more gorgeous landscapes. How about this. 25 million people. They are gone. They were mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, best friends.
On World AIDs Day, people are brought together to remember these people. They come together to help fight this horrific epidemic from ravaging 25 million more lives. It is up to us to help find a cure. To help raise awareness about this disease.

I'm wearing red and walking for the fight against AIDs, what are you doing?

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